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Liturgical fabrics

Liturgical fabrics

Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly fabric with flowers IERO 108


Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly fabric with flowers IERO 107


Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly fabric with flowers IERO 106


Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly fabric with flowers IERO 41


Clerical fabric with a gold base, a design of small green squares forming rhombuses, within which there are red and burgundy flowers.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly fabric with flowers IERO 105


Fabric with a white base, with a design of small gold crosses and branches in repetition.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Clerical jacquard fabric with crosses IERO 104


Fabric with burgundy base and gold/yellow patterns. The design is a large pine cone with leaves underneath, which is repeated.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Priestly metallic jacquard fabric with pine cone IERO 103


Fabric in light blue base, with crosses, branches and flowers design in silver color with blue details.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Metallic brocade fabric with crosses and flowers IERO 102


Fabric in white base with gold crosses and blue details and flowers.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Metallic brocade jacquard fabric with crosses IERO 101


Fabric in light purple base with gold crosses in circles.
Liturgical fabrics, Metal fabrics

Ecclesiastical brocade fabric with crosses IERO 100
